Real Size: Measure and Resize with Real World Units (v1.0.2)

Version v1.0.2Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3


Real Size is an editor tool that extends the Transform component inspector for all GameObjects. There’s no need to add extra components to your GameObjects, it just works! Add realistic dimensions to your objects, and keep your world’s scale consistent!

Real Size calculates the bounds of a selected object, including or excluding its children. Bounds are color coded with their respective axis colors, and lengths are labeled conveniently in the scene view. Color and visibility settings are completely customizable.

Technical details
Works with mesh renderers, skinned mesh renderers, and GameObjects that do not contain meshes
Measure objects using the built-in size units, or define custom size units to measure objects
Measure objects using Local Space or World Space
Easy installation, simply import Real Size and start measuring and resizing instantly!
Full source code included


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