Greek and Persian Wars Bundle

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Featuring a cast of thousands!During the Golden Age of Greece the Phalanx was a virtually invincible force. The Phalanx was a mighty wall of bronze, steel and muscle strengthened by discipline, tactics and heroism. Now you can create historically accurate scenes of ancient warfare. The Greek and Persian Wars Bundle will serve as a backdrop to your principal heroes, or as a main force in the foreground of your battles.Bundled are Greek Hoplite Action, Greek Phalanx Action, Alexander’s Army Action and Persian Army Action.Greek Phalanx Action and Alexander’s Army Action are set up with units of six Hoplites posed in three files and two ranks. From these poses and positions an entire Phalanx can be assembled. Poses can easily be mixed for variety. The Hoplite and Persian sets can be arranged in formations.


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