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COALA (Context Aware Location Assessment) is a one-stop-shop for any kind of real-world-data (geolocation, elevation, time, weather, moon phases etc. up to specialized crime data). Use COALA to create real-world AR games, meaningful AR applications or smarter apps.

Use the COALA package to create in-app maps with streets, buildings, rivers, etc. Get information about buildings, restaurants & supermarkets. Create your own static or dynamic POIs, pitch and match location, weather, moon phases and more. Define terrains on a grid basis. React to real world weather conditions with particle effects. This plugin also provides for GPS mapping and other tools. Create a real world product with all the tech in place and responsible use of data rates.

• Pick data points to create your map
• Fill the world with interesting information on a grid layer
• Render the map in your game style with full customization options
• Add streets or buildings and use their real world heights
• Add data layers like weather, moon phases and elevation
• Create your own static and dynamic POIs
• Additional data sources e.g. crime (crime heatmaps) and transportation for certain areas or tourism POIs are available upon request
• Trigger particle effects for rain, mist or snow based on real world data
• Animated lightsource throughout the day to mimic a day night cycle
• Create responsive maps where players can see the movement of others
• Define specific places on the map to create different zones
• Includes GPS mapping of player
• Loading/Unloading of areas in relation to GPS position
• This package also includes a project with full visualization and free customization options


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