Archviz Interior vol.2 (5.0, 5.1)

Asset Version (5.0, 5.1)Link 1 | Link 2 


High quality modern apartment including complete interior scene with over 60 different objects, will be perfect for ArchViz, VR or any type of AAA games. This scene use baked GI for maximum perfomance.

Video Demonstration –
Note: This project use built in GPU Lightmass plugin.
Note 2: When using this project in UE 5.0 or higher for correct display baked lighting – you need to select PostProcessVolume in the outliner and change Global Illumination Method to “None”.

Technical Details
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Number of Unique Meshes: 67
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 84
Number of Textures: 47
Texture Resolutions: 512×512 – 4096×4096
Supported Development Platforms: Windows

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