Unity Mobile Game Development

Create and publish mobile games for Android and iOS using Unity.

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Welcome to the perfect course for learning how to create mobile games! This course focuses on using Unity 2022 version and provides carefully edited, concise, and easy-to-follow lectures without any time wastage. To follow along, you’ll need basic knowledge of C# (variables, functions, “if” statements, etc.) and familiarity with the Unity editor.

The Space Shooter mobile game will be your guide as you step-by-step through the challenges of mobile game development. You’ll learn how to make your game compatible with all screen resolutions and devices, including automatic camera adjustments, scaling and placement of UI elements, and more.

Some highlights of this course include using the new Input System, implementing monetization strategies, setting up notifications, optimizing your game for performance, ensuring device compatibility and testing, creating a boss fight, and understanding the publishing process.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to develop and publish mobile games. Please note that the publishing process is covered for Android on the Google Play Store, but the rest of the course covers both Android and iOS platforms.

If you ever get stuck or need help, don’t worry! The instructor is responsive to messages and you can also join the community on the Discord server to connect with other students. Thank you for your time and see you in the course lessons!

In this course, you will learn:

  • Implementing touch controls with Unity’s new input system
  • Monetization strategies using banners, interstitials, and rewarded ads on both Android and iOS platforms
  • Implementing notifications in your mobile game for Android and iOS
  • Testing your game on mobile devices for both Android and iOS platforms
  • Ensuring compatibility with all screen resolutions and mobile devices
  • Creating a level selection system with unlockable levels
  • Implementing power-ups such as health, shield, and shooting upgrades
  • Creating a boss fight in your game
  • Implementing scoring, high scoring, and saving system
  • Optimizing your game using Scriptable Objects, Profiler Analysis, and Object Pooling System
  • Publishing your game on Google Play for Android devices.
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01. Project Setup

01. Create a project and choose settings
02. Device Simulator

02. Sprites and Scrolling Background [DOWNLOAD ASSETS]

01. Sprite Importing and Sprite Editor [DOWNLOAD ASSETS]
02. Scrolling Background [Mini Challenge]

03. New Input System and Player Movement

01. New Input System Setup
02. Enhanced Touch Fundamentals
03. Move Player with Touch
04. Player Movement Restrictions
05. Camera Boundaries

04. First Enemy Concept and Spawner

01. Enemy Concept (Inheritance)
02. Meteor Prefab [Mini Challenge]
03. Collision Matrix
04. Meteor Spawner
05. Object Rotation

05. Player Shooting

01. Shooting Laser Bullets

06. Health Bar and Damage SystemUI

01. PlayerStats and Damage System
02. UI Fundamentals
03. Health Bar
04. Safe Area Helper

07. Animations

01. Explosion Animation
02. Damage Animation and Transitions

08. Enemies

01. Shooting Enemy
02. Green Enemy [Challenge]
03. Enemy Spawner

09. Game Manager and Win Condition

01. Win Condition
02. UI Panel Controller- Text Mesh Pro
03. Game Manager
04. Singleton Pattern

10. Scene Management and Loading Screen

01. Change LevelsScenes
02. Fade Between Scenes
03. Loading Screen
04. UpgradeFix Fade Effect

11. Score and Saving

01. Font Creation
02. Score System
03. Playerprefs Syntax
04. Save and Load ScoreHigh Score

12. Level Selection

01. Scene Preparation
02. Start Screen (Menu)
03. UI Setup
04. Level Selection and Unlocking
05. How to easily create levels

13. Test on Mobile Device [Android and iOS]

01. Android Phone Build for Testing
02. iOS Phone Build for Testing

14. Power Ups

01. Scriptable Object Spawner
02. Health Power Up
03. Shield Power Up
04. Shield UI
05. Shooting Power Up

15. BOSS

01. Boss Concept and Preparations
02. Boss States and Controller
03. Enter State
04. Testing States
05. Boss Fire
06. Special Attack
07. Boss Stats and Death
08. Spawn Boss


01. Background Sound [DOWNLOAD ASSETS]
02. Shooting Sound Effect

17. Ads [Android and iOS]

01. Ads Setup
02. Banner Ads
03. Skippable Ads
04. Rewarded Ads [1]
05. Rewarded Ads [2]

18. Notifications [Android and iOS]

01. Android Notifications
02. iOS Notifications

19. Optimization

01. Profiler
02. Object Pooling

20. Google Play Publishing [Android]

01. Android Build
02. Privacy Policy
03. Google Play Forms
04. Google Play- Internal Testing and Publishing

Project Files: Link 1 | Link 2


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