Undead Knight


Eternal life, everlasting guard




Undead Knight completely ready-made model for any of your games
Will look good in all game
Weapon has a separate mesh and is connected to the character through a blueprint
All separate parts are skeletal mesh
13(With Weapon) uv set 4096×4096 (Down to 1024×1024)
Head-Hand ( 4096×4096 )
Top ( 4096×4096 )
Bot ( 4096×4096 )
TW_Sword ( 4096×4096 )
Sword ( 2048×2048 )
Shield ( 2048×2048 )
Armor ( 2048×2048 )
Armor Cloth ( 2048×2048 )
Cloth Leg ( 2048×2048 )
Cloak ( 2048×2048 )
Helmet ( 2048×2048 )
Accessories on the belt ( 2048×2048 )
Fur ( 1024×1024 )
In the model it is desirable to use a shader with a two-sided display of polygons
Characters No Cloth Skin:
Faces: 21901
Vertex: 24346
Tris: 42953
Characters Cloth Skin:
Faces: 19847
Vertex: 22231
Tris: 39182
TW_Sword :
Faces: 2103
Vertex: 2119
Tris: 4153
Faces: 353
Vertex: 341
Tris: 670
Faces: 442
Vertex: 445
Tris: 878
Technical Details
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (yes)
Number of Animations: 5
Number of characters: 2
Vertex counts of characters: 24346
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 13
Number of Textures: 42
Texture Resolutions: 4096×4096, 2048×2048, 1024×1024,

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