TwoSword Animation Set

TwoSword Animation Set +58 anims, +8poses



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jump /jump(Root) / equip / unequip / buff / strafe run & walk

Animation List :
attack 9
attacked 2
b_fall 1
idle 2
movement 20
buff 1
dash 1
dead 1
defence 1
jump 1(Inplace & Rootmotion)
sidestep 4
down (down, idle, rise)
roll 4
equip / unequip 1
etc 3
pose 8

Technical Details
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of characters: N/A
Vertex counts of characters: N/A
Texture Resolutions: N/A
Number of Animations: 58 + 8poses
Animation types (Root Motion / In-place) : Root Motion & In-place


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