Screen Space Fog Scattering (New Update)

New Update: Click here
Asset Version v1.0.1 (4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2)


Screen Space Fog Scattering is a new post process shader effect that simulates the light scattering inside the fog medium.

Being just rendered on top of the default “Exponential Height Fog” component, it adds the necessary feel of a dense fog and can be a great final touch on the mood of your scenes.

Using the engine classes, the plugin safely injects the shader into the rendering pipeline ensuring that it’s compatible with all other default post process effects.

Technical Details
Applies automatically on any scene or blueprint that’s using “Exponential Height Fog”
The intensity of the effect is also dependent on “Exponential Height Fog” settings
Support for Volumetric Fog
No additional setup required (besides installing the plugin)
Compatible with all default post process effects
Fixed and small performance cost
Code Modules:
ScreenSpaceFogScattering (Runtime)
Current Version: 1.01
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux


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