Riding System in Blueprints (Multiplayer) (New Update)

It’s a riding system. You can mount animals and ride them. You can also play as animals. It is based on root motion animations.

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It’s a riding system. You can mount animals and ride them. You can also play as animals. It is based on root motion animations. It supports multiplayer. It was completely written in blueprints for feasibility and scalability. The player and ridable characters contain many parameters for easy configurations.

This asset doesn’t contain horse models, horse Animations, and horse rider animations.
This asset contains the riding system components and some examples using Epic free assets.

Recommended Horse Animations: Horse Animset
C++ Plugin Version: Link

Technical Details
Mountable Character
Controllable Character
Includes a primary system made for Root Motion Animations
Includes three alternative systems (at experimental stage)
Capable of Jump, Walk, Walk Reverse, Trot, Canter, Gallop, Sprint, Rearing, Rearing Left/Right, Edge Fall, Turns, Swim, Fly
Base Characters with Many Configurable Parameters
Easy to Integrate
Contains Some Example Characters
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes



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