Football Game Engine (Indie)

Version v2.0.7: Link1 Link2


Football Game Engine (Indie) is an advanced implementation of a football game. This package is ideal for both educational purposes and to make your own game.

If you have already purchased any of the following Football Game Engine(Basic) and/or Super Goalie(Basic) don’t worry, we have got you covered. Simply upgrade to Football Game Engine (Indie)

– Mecanim player animations(jog, sprint, short pass, long pass, punch ball, catch ball etc)
– Clean and highly commented code.
– No reliance to any other third party plugin
– State machines for the game a.i
– CPU vs Player, for CPU vs CPU no interface to select.
– High poly and low poly player models.
– Easily intergratable with Control Freak
– Implementation of numerous football game rules(game-halves, corner-kick, counter-kick,
goal-kick, throw-in).
– Implementation of teams, and there team kits
– Implementation of players with different levels of attributes
– Implementation of numerous game difficulties
– Implementation of different team tactics for attack and defending


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