Anims for UE5 and UE4 made in engine with Control Rig. Source and rig included, ready to be modified inside the engine!
Technical Details
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations:
23 anim sequences total:
20 for the arms: idle, walk slow, walk fast, run, 2x sprint, 2x aim sway , 2x aim steady (hold breath), 2x walk aiming, fire, 2x fire aiming, reload empty, reload loaded, equip, un-equip, inspect. Each one accompanied by its editable LevelSequence file
3 for the rifle: fire, reload empty, reload loaded. Each one accompanied by its editable LevelSequence file
2 montages for the arms: auto fire and auto fire aiming
2 blendspaces for the arms: not aiming movement and aiming movement
1 anim blueprint for the test character
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
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