Cross-Platform Voice Chat Pro (New Update)

New Update: Click here
Asset Version v1.0 (5.1)Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3


Cross-platform Voice Chat for Windows, Android, iOS, Oculus, Linux

With this plugin, you can integrate voice chat easily in Blueprint or C++ :
Team voice chat like in Counter Strike
Proximity voice chat like in PUBG
Global voice chat in a lobby for example
Cross-platform Windows / Android / iOS / Oculus Quest 1,2 / Oculus Rift
Mute, Choose microphone hardware, Microphone volume …
There is no need to heavily modify your existing project.

UE5 and UE4 (4.25,4.26,4.27) / Contact on Discord for 4.25/4.26 version
Cross-platform Windows, Android, iOS, Dedicated server Linux and Windows
Different types of voice chat : Global, team/radio, proximity
Network optimized : compressed data with Opus codec, server send data to only relevant clients
Network optimization : Choose Opus codec frames per sec
Compatible with any UE4 Online Subsystem using UE4 standard network API (RPC, replicated variables).
Choose microphone hardware, choose sample rate
3D Sound or 2D Sound
Runtime microphone volume, Runtime raw microphone input data available (PCM data)
Mute players, mute all
Set microphone volume
Players name
Demo UI

Technical Details
Code Modules:
1 Runtime Module
Number of Blueprints: 3 (In example project : Game Mode, ThirdPersonCharacter, UI)
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Client Windows, Client Android, Client iOS, Dedicated server Linux, Dedicated server Windows
Tested on hardware : Windows, Oculus Quest 1 / 2, Android 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12, iPhone iOS 12.0 / 13.0 / 14.0, Dedicated server Linux / Windows


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