Compact Email Service

Compact Email Service is an UE4 plugin that provides the ability to send email without setting up your mail server. Users can send normal email or verification emaill by one blueprint function.

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Compact Email Service is an UE4 plugin that provides the ability to send email without setting up your mail server. Users can send normal email or verification emaill by one blueprint function. Also, users can set reply email address, email content, verification code length, etc.

Technical Details
Support to send normal email from blueprint.
Support to send verification email from blueprint.
Support to set reply email address.
Support to set source email address, such as [email protected].
Support to customize email content.
Support to set verification code length.
Support to use html tag to format email content.
Support to attach one file with limited size (subscriber only).
Up to 200 Emails for a new user.
Code Modules:
CompactEmailService (Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Network Replicated: No


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