Billboard Generator (v8.7.0)

Version v8.7.0: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3


Billboard Generator is an editor and runtime plugin that allows you to generate & render billboards for any object!
It comes with straightforward & easy-to-use tools that make generating billboards & rendering them for any object a breeze!
Check out the Technical Details section to know more about the features of Billboard Generator.

Technical details
Includes components for rendering & batching massive amounts of billboards!
Easy to use and straightforward editor tools.
All included components have custom editors with full undo/redo support!
Generate billboard atlases.
Shared Editor & Runtime API.
No external dependencies.
Complete C# source code included.
Shader & render pipeline independent.

Terrain objects aren’t supported because they don’t receive the required lifecycle callbacks; this is a Unity limitation.
Although the plugin can generate billboards at runtime, it is recommended that you only do that inside the editor, as billboard generation is a performance-intensive process.


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